Monday, November 23, 2015

Science - States of Matter

In science, we have started our States of Matter unit.  We began by learning about the different properties of matter including color, shape, size, state of matter, hardness and mass.  We learned the definition of mass, which is the amount of matter (stuff) within a substance or object.  We learned that the tool to measure mass is the balance which is measured in milligrams and grams.  In groups, we built our own balances using a ruler, paper cups, and other materials and used gram cubes to measure the mass of different objects.   The fourth graders discussed the difference between weight and mass including by watching a video of the differences between mass and weight which I'm including here!  We also learned that on the moon there is a difference between weight as compared to here on Earth, but not in mass!  We've had a very hands-on start to our fourth grade science year!
Enjoy the song - it is hard not to sing along! 

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