
Lunch - 11:50-12:30
Recess - 2:25-3:25
Library - Wednesday 11:10-11:40
Art - Monday 9:25-10:20
PE - Tuesday 9:45-10:15 and Thursday 3:00-3:30
Computer Lab - TBD
Music - Friday 11:00-11:45


  1. Miss. Humphreys,

    I was in your class in 2010-11. You might not remember me :) Haha I probably couldn't remember all of my students either. I am now in Seventh Grade at North, and doing great! Haha. I was looking through all of my Fifth grade papers, and remembered this... So here I am! Just wanted to say Hi.

    I hope to come and visit Belmont again soon.

    Linsey Holverson
    Class of 2018

    1. Hi Linsey,
      Of course I remember you! How could I forget my actress? I hope you are still pursuing your drama! I hope North is going well for you! You were my last fifth grade class at Belmont. I now teach fourth grade! You guys were such a great group! We are going to North on Thursdays for survival swim. I saw Emma, Tristen, Adam, Grace and Morgan last week. Please visit Belmont - we would all LOVE to see you!
      Take care,
      Miss Humphreys
